OPERA REPORTAGE: South African Vibes

🇿🇦 OPERA REPORTAGE: South Africa

There is a country Opera Campi loves particularly and from which is always part of our dose of inspiration. This country is South Africa. We have been there three times and we can’t forget its unique wild contradictions and matte, faded colors of sunsets and lands.

Mentioned regularly by most travel magazines, South Africa is loved by travellers as it’s a very symbolic country for several reasons:

  • ⬇️ it’s the southest country of the wildest and least developed continent: Africa
  • it’s the country where two very different oceans meet: Indian and Atlantic.
  • it’s the country where you can find one both fine richness and the wild poverty
  • ‍♂️it’s the country where many Afrikaans search for hope
  • 🦈 it’s the country where you can find white sharks, small penguins, beautiful seals, lions, zebras
  • Cape Town has been voted the best city in the world several times by Telegraph’s readers

And many more… As usual, pictures of our last trips to South Africa (2007, 2011, 2016) talks themself.

This is not a travel guide. It’s a book of pictures, colors, filters and inspiration entirely produced and copyrighted by Opera Campi Team.

Where are you, Antarctica?
Our Black Maglione
You see the orange eye?
Boulders Beach: famous for its African Penguins
Chapman Peak Drive: considered by many the best drive in the world.
Our yellow hemp Giacchetto
Cape of Good Hope waters are famous for their danger. Many navigators wrecked when they reached the southest tip of Africa
Nelson Mandel Botanical Gardens on the left, Camp’s Bay Beach on the right
Our Camp’s Bay Mansion
Fastest animal on earth, ready.
Our “Cielo dei Campi” Maglione
Lights of Cape Town coming from the back of Table Mountain. View from Camp’s Bay

🇿🇦 OPERA REPORTAGE: South African Vibes was originally published in OPERA CAMPI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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