Here’s why you don’t know everything about Hemp (Series 2 / 3)

Hemp Field at first month in Bazzano, Italia

This post is part of a series:

In the last post we talked about how plastic might not be abandoned in the next innovations in the clothing industry. We reached a statement: plastic won’t disappear, we still need plastic, but we have to change the priorities. Plastic must become complementary, we have to get used to use plastic only when strictly needed. Now we are going to explain why Hemp may be the best replacement for plastic in the fashion sector.

Hemp is for most an unknown word. For many others a bad word. What we can be sure about is its incredible underestimation among people and markets. There are many proven theories (which initially may appear conspiracy-theories) that Hemp was limited on the markets from the 1920 caused by the overbearing introduction of synthetic fabrics. Why? Because of its incredible advantages and versatility.

We don’t want to talk about conspiracy. We want to talk about facts.

So what are the main advantages behind hemp-related products?


La Canapa” sample fabric from Opera Campi on the right, century-old skein on the left

In short: Hemp is stronger and durable than any other natural fabric, and it’s very close to the strongest synthetic fabrics.

Better Explained: there are tests that can calculate the “tensile strength”, they can give an accurate measure of how much you have to pull a fabric before it breaks. This measure tells you how long can last a fabric.

There are so many studies that shows the tensile strength (calculated in MPa measure) and they show how Hemp outlines any other natural fabric. In the following report Hemp is the first “wearable” plant with the highest tensile strength.

Courtesy of

It’s magically breathable and moisture-wicking

Orchid on breathable hemp scarf by Opera Campi

In short: even a heavy Hemp fabric won’t make you sweat. You can wear Hemp product and never feel too warm or too cold.

Better Explained: Hemp has a complex structure that let the “vapor” go trough the fabric, more than any other fabric. Even here there are many tests on the internet that certify the amazing results of Hemp tested with UNI 4818 PART 26 measure.

This means an enormous list of advantages:

  • Hemp garments can cover a larger range of temperatures along the year;
  • You will be less worried about what to wear since you never be too warm;
  • It’s super thermo-regulating: humidity between your skin and other layers won’t help in any season. While heat will help. More breathability means less humidity and more heat insulation in case you are cold.

It is the worst ENEMY of climate change

Hemp Fiber can absorb a huge amount of CO2

There are no short or better explanations.

  • 🧪 Hemp doesn’t require pesticides (which production is extremely polluting).
  • Hemp requires minimum water. From irrigation to the whole process, requires 80% less water than cotton. In general requires less water than any other natural fiber.
Sources: Unesco & Hemp Copenaghen
  • Hemp absorbs a lot of CO2, the main responsible for climate change. According to Hemp Global Solutions, each ton of hemp grown represents 1.63 tons of CO2 absorption. [1]And according to the Great Book of Hemp, an average acre of hemp will yield 5–10 tons of dried stalk.
Yes, a serious and intensive Hemp cultivation would reduce in a drastic way the climate change and global warming.

🦠 It won’t smell, because it’s ANTI-MICROBIAL

Century-old Hemp skeins still in perfect conditions.

Hemp is extremely anti-microbial by nature, more than any other natural fabric. It means two simple advantages:

  • it won’t transmit dangerous bacterias. Yes, it also means less illnesses;
  • it won’t smell: bad odor caused by your sweat are more intense when are absorbed from not anti-bacterial fabrics.

🧶 It’s softer and softer

Hemp look by Opera Campi

Sometimes Hemp is compared to flax and linen. They may have a similar structure of the fibre, but they are totally different in characteristics.

Let’s be honest about it: Hemp can be soft but even itchy sometimes. It all depends on three crucial points:

  • Quality of the plant from seed: there only few qualities, like Futura 75, that are very good for spinning;
  • Treatments: a good process in processing the plant to the yarn is fundamental;
  • Time: more you wash it, more it becomes softer. Hemp is incredibly durable even for this reason: its longevity against washes.

Finally: it’s natural

Opera Campi Hemp seeds

After all these main advantages, we don’t have to forget Hemp is still a natural product. Its supreme properties can replicate most of synthetic fabrics advantages.

Hemp is 100% natural, and it’s the most the biological and planet-saving source for any next garment.

Here’s why you don’t know everything about Hemp (Series 2 / 3) was originally published in OPERA CAMPI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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