The fresh but robust 100% Hemp Shorts.
Sartorial Lady shorts for the summer, made of our robust 100% Hemp fabric
The Pant made of 100% Hemp, with sartorial details and our exclusive Moon Button
The high waist loose fit pant, 100% Hemp for ladies
The revolutionary warm Pant for the Winter season, it's 100% Lanapa®
The lightweight ladies 100% Hemp Pant. Comfortable, durable, super breathable.
The lightest Shorts you can wear. 100% ultralight fine Hemp. Made in Italy.
A strong contrast between tailoring and modernity, 100% Hemp.
The woman pant made of Hemp and Wool
The wide-cut cozy trouser made of our warmest fabric: the Lanapa® (hemp and wool)
Summer formal days, super light Hemp trouser.
The tailored pants with futuristic fabric: 100% Herotex, elastic hemp.
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