here it is
the italian hemp
Extra fine Italian Hemp spun from ancient Carmagnola plants in Northern Italy.
history is back
Italy was the major Hemp producer before the first world war. In few decades we abandoned any production and skill: it was a terrible mistake.
After working with talented new friends, we are reintroducing the most supreme quality of Hemp: the Italian one.
the process

preserving the lumens
The small holes inside the hemp fiber are called "lumens" and are responsible for the excellent thermoregulation of the hemp, which is warm in winter and cool in summer.
These lumens risk to close, if subjected to heat processes such as dyeing. Our Italian Hemp follows only cold processes making it the only Hemp with the maximum thermal efficiency for your body.
italian hemp fabrics
Our Italian hemp is our best hemp quality ever made. For technical and cost reasons it is not yet possible to use it in every product. It still a challenge for Opera Campi to create increasingly local, accessible and high quality products.